This Week Only: We're Talking Unexplained Infertility on Facebook!
Join us for this week-long event.
Hey Baby Dust Subscribers,
We’re hosting a week-long partnership with Poplin over in our Facebook Group to talk about Unexplained Infertility and we don’t want you to miss any of it.
Many times unexplained infertility can be explained if you have the ability to dig deep enough or go broad enough. Comprehensive whole health testing, beyond just hormones, is often able to uncover things that more narrow testing misses. Fertility is an extension of your overall health and understanding the bigger picture can help you identify any potential red or yellow flags that can interfere with the ability to conceive.
Each post is published in the Guide section of the group and pinned to the main timeline. We’re on day 3 of this amazing series - and you can find all of the past posts pinned on the timeline - with only more, super-helpful information to come.
Click here to join the group now.
See you there!
Hannah XO
P.S. The Founder of Poplin is our next guest on the Baby Dust Fertility Podcast! Subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts so you don’t miss it.