The Low Down on Inositol for Infertility, Metformin, PCOS, IVF...
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Rarely a day goes by in the Daily Fertility Tips community that I don’t see inositol popping up in a post or comment. This fertility supplement is wildly popular, and for good reason. Read on to learn about inositol, who benefits most from it, and which brand we recommend. Keep scrolling and you’ll also find the latest in fertility news.
Baby dust,
Hannah XO
Tip of the Week
Need another reason to eat a whole foods diet? Inositol is found in a variety of unprocessed plant and animal foods. Swap a prepackaged snack this week with a banana and a handful of nuts or scoop of nut butter to naturally increase your inositol intake.
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Featured Article: “Myo-Inositol For Fertility Treatment”
You’ve likely come across inositol at least once in your fertility research. While considered part of the B vitamin family, inositol isn’t technically a vitamin! Don’t let that little tidbit keep you from embracing this fertility booster! Comparable to metformin, this supplement can help to regulate blood sugar, increase the quality of eggs, and even has the potential to support sperm health. Beyond blood sugar and baby-making, inositol is hallmarked for its ability to support cognitive function and mental health. (I’m looking at you anxiety.) Now, before you go out and load up on inositol, it is important to know whether or not it is right for you. This supplement is great for women with PCOS (insulin resistant and elevated androgens) and those going through IVF, but could exacerbate issues with low egg reserve (i.e. POA) and very low androgens. Read the entire article here.
Deep Dive: Taking Inositol for PCOS: 15 Things You Must Know First
Condensed Read: Studies Show Benefits of Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro-Inositol for Women with PCOS
Relevance of Inositol and Choline Supplementation for Women with PCOS
Technical Read: Myo-inositol & Male infertility
Looking for a quality and affordable inositol supplement? We recommend Wholesome Story Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol Blend
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Ask Hannah: Your Questions about Inositol Answers
Q. Is one [form] better for specific PCOS symptoms than another?
Typically, it is recommended that women with PCOS utilize a 40:1 ratio of myo-inositol to d-chiro inositol. Both forms have benefits for women with PCOS and this ratio is identical to what researchers have found in plasma. Also, it is important to know that some researcher has found high doses of d-chiro inositol to be detrimental to fertility. This is just another reason to opt for the 40:1 blend so you receive the benefits of d-chiro without any of the potential drawbacks. Here’s the encapsulated 40:1 blend that I recommend.
Q. Why can it actually make you feel worse for example headaches, brain fog, fatigue?
These symptoms are common when starting inositol, as it impacts cognitive function, blood sugar regulation, neurotransmitters, and more. It should lift after a few weeks of taking the supplement. That said, I found an interesting article comparing the functions of inositol with choline on the brain. You may be able to mitigate some of the fogginess by ensuring adequate choline intake. (Which is also fantastic and necessary for healthy fetal development!)
Q. Can [inositol] stop your cycle for a while?
I’ve actually come across this question several times, but have not been able to identify any research that would connect inositol to delayed periods. Most likely, ovulation was delayed for a reason other than the inositol. (Curious what this could be? We cover it in-depth in my Ovulation Masterclass.) Definitely reach out to your doctor if your period is late and your pregnancy tests are negative.
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