Hannah Bowers is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Lactation Counselor, host of the Baby Dust Fertility Podcast, and writer who is passionate about supporting women from preconception and infertility through postpartum. Diagnosed with PCOS, she was told by multiple doctors that it would not be possible for her to get pregnant naturally. Frustrated by the lack of support she received, Hannah dove into research and uncovered countless, evidence-based ways to improve fertility. After successfully implementing much of what she learned, she got pregnant without medical intervention and gave birth to babies in 2017 and 2020.
Hannah has a bachelor's degree in Health Sciences. When not at her desk, you will likely find her with a book in her hand or exploring the outdoors. Currently, Hannah lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and two sons. Connect with her on Instagram.
Connect with Hannah: Website | Instagram
The Baby Dust Fertility Podcast is hosted by Hannah Bowers. Follow her on Instagram for tips, insight, and encouragement.
New to TTC? Download our FREE eBook.
Want to improve your fertility? Enroll in Hannah’s course, “The Fertility Roadmap,” where she walks you through identifying peak fertility, which pregnancy tests to use, proven lifestyle shifts for better fertility, and so much more. Sign up here.
Upcoming Episodes
Episode 35: How Functional Medicine Can Help You Get Pregnant with Sarah Thompson, MS LAc
Episode 36: Sound Therapy for Anxiety while TTC with Edward Sim
Episode 37: Get Pregnant with Mercier Therapy with Jennifer D. Mercier, Midwife, LMT, ND, PhD
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