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Karin Ashley is a board-certified Integrative Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner who helps couples optimize their fertility using Integrative Medicine principles like nutritional therapy, detoxification support, fertility awareness, and functional testing.
She believes that men and women are whole people - mind, body, and spirit - and that comprehensive fertility care should aim to improve every aspect of health in order to prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy.
When she’s not helping people make babies, she’s chasing after her own (all six of them!), cooking meals for her family, and trying to keep her plants alive.
Connect with Karin: Website | Instagram | Course Page
Podcast Notes
In this episode, we’re discussing…
Why conventional medicine falls short
What is Integrative fertility care
How birth control impacts your body
Free resource from our guest: Because the Tylenol doesn’t say “sperm killer” on the front of the box…Learn which OTC meds can impair your fertility, and how to replace them! Click Here
Disclaimer: This email is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your care provider before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or currently prescribed medications. *This email contains affiliate links. You will not be charged extra for purchasing through one of our links, but a small portion of the proceeds will go to support Baby Dust.
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