Evidence-based resources and tips for TTC.
I started this journey in your shoes. An unexpected fertility diagnosis and no useful resources or information to speak of. After thousands of hours of research, significant diet and lifestyle changes, and a miscarriage, we were blessed to welcome our first baby. But our fertility journey was not over. We went through a second period of fertility struggles before welcoming another baby. While this second journey involved a different set of challenges, it was just as discouraging and exhausting as the first.
Looking back, I wish someone had been there to hand me the information I needed to simplify the process. That’s exactly why I launched Baby Dust.
Baby Dust is here to simplify the challenge of trying to conceive (ttc). Each update provides actionable, evidence-based information to make ttc easier. Ultimately, we want to take the stress out of figuring out which supplement, dietary protocol, and lifestyle change is right for you. We’ll even dive into the medical options so you feel informed when talking with your doctor. Subscribe to receive a steady stream (bi-weekly) of quality resources to help make the journey a little easier.*
In the meantime, tell your friends!
*Please speak to your doctor before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.