Is your vagina hostile to sperm? Well, it depends on whether or not your vaginal microbiome - a complex combination of good and bad microbes - is properly balanced. When the vaginal microbiome is out of whack, it throws off your pH, which impacts sperm’s ability to move and thrive, your fertility, and pregnancy outcomes! Read on for how to get your V back to where it should be…
Baby dust,
Hannah XO
Featured Resources
In-Depth: What's my vaginal microbiome?
The Microbiome and Fertility: How Preconception Support Can Improve Fertility Outcomes
How Probiotics Can Improve Fertility & Help Prevent Infections
The pre/probiotic was specially designed for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum
The Baby Dust Podcast
Click here to upgrade your subscription to access these resources.
Other Useful Resources
Deals from Brands We Trust
20% off your first needed. order with BLISSBERRYWELLNESS
10% off your first Seeking Health order with BLISSBERRYAUGUST
15% off Legacy at-home sperm testing products with blissberrylegacy
$10 off at-home hormone testing. Click here.
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